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Free Udemy Linux Courses

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We added 107 new coupon and we deleted 169 expired coupon Today.
A beginner’s guide to handling security incidents on Linux
257 207
Learn to Analyze Linux Processes and Detect Unusual Activities
211 181
Uncover Clues, Analyze Attacks and Master Linux Investigations.
228 194
Linux: Learn to run BASH commands to: install, remove, collect information, check, search, upgrade the packages
151 130
11 December 2024
Cloud Service Models | IaaS | Linode Basics | TFA | SSH | Linux | Ubuntu | LAMP Stack | DBMS | Firewalls | SSL
11 December 2024.
Essentials for Cyber Armor
179 152
02 October 2023
Administrando Red Hat Server Hardening
1188 782
13 May 2022.
Aprende cómo funciona el intérprete de comandos bash explicado paso a paso y con ejemplos.
2120 2016
24 February 2019.
Um minicurso sobre a telinha preta assustadora
978 704
23 November 2018
Why not give Linux a try, its Free, Fun, Highly Stable and Free Of Viruses
5499 4441
23 November 2018
Your very own Linux lab on your MAC
1649 1389
05 November 2018.
Learn what Linux is, basic Linux techniques, system administration tasks, and more.
4884 4147
18 October 2018
Crie você mesmo seu NAS com essa fantástica, segura e estável solução Open Source.
473 301
17 October 2018
Aprenda utilizar esse Fantástico, Estável e Seguro Sistema Operacional da família BSD
899 624
17 October 2018
Crie você mesmo seu NAS com essa fantástica, segura e estável solução Open Source.
444 345